Srihari S. Naidu, MD
Interventional Cardiology &
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Office 914 598 7651
Past Trustee, SCAI
President-Elect, NYS ACC
2020: Dr. Naidu interviewed on the relationship between HCM and TAVR
2020: Dr. Naidu interviewed about cardiovascular systems response to the COVID pandemic
2020: Dr. Naidu speaks on the COVID pandemic and heart attack management
2019: Dr. Naidu Op-Ed on the ISCHEMIA Trial
2019: Dr. Naidu interviewed about HCM with Lisa Salberg, President of HCMA
2019: Dr. Naidu speaks on Consensus Document on Percutaneous Assist Devices
2019: Dr. Naidu profiled in WAG magazine
2018: Dr. Naidu cover story on developing an HCM program (Cardiovascular Business)
2017: Dr. Naidu interviewed at SCAI on Cardiogenic Shock Updates
2012: Dr. Naidu leads expert panel on developing national cath lab standards
2011: Dr. Naidu interviewed about the HCM guidelines (video attached)
2011: Dr. Naidu presents major research comparing alcohol ablation and myectomy
2011: Dr. Naidu's cutting-edge HCM Center: Why Centers are Important!
2010: Dr. Naidu Profiled in SCAI National Newsletter
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